1- choose black 20% and black 10% and with and use square gradient
2- chose black
3- chose with -blue radial
Now draw a circirl and select the black rectangle and the circle now apply the intersection tool
Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V to bring it to the top . applly the transparency tool
Now draw a circle + in the keyboard and reduice use the cut tool now draw an oth circle in the midles use black color and weld all all the circles

draw a perfect shape

Now draw a rectangle + in the key board and reduice chose the grey and the black like this

Now draw a circle in the middle of the blue screen and select the blue screen and the circle
apply the intersection tool

delet the first circle chose the same color of the screen for the intersection and applly the uniform transparency tool
repeat the opiration 3 or 4 time untill you got something like this

Now select the first intertsection Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V

Now lets move to the shadow draw an oval grey circle and convert it to a bitmap and apply the flu gaussien tool
now put it in the right place and now you got your vector iMAC

I hope you will like it..............
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